Monday, 14 November 2022

The Main Viewpoint Character

The Day Of Their Return.

The main viewpoint character of The Day Of Their Return is not Chunderban Desai but Ivar Frederiksen.

Chapter POVs
1 Jaan the prophet.
2 Ivar Frederiksen.
3 Chunderban Desai.
4-6 Ivar.
7 Desai.
8 Ivar.
9 Desai.
10-12 Ivar.
13 Ivar, then Desai.
14 Ivar.
15 Jaan, then Desai, then Tatiana Thane (but see below).
16-17 Ivar.
18 Desai, then Tatiana, then Ivar.
19-20 Ivar.
21 Desai, then Jaan.

The concluding passage of 15, on pp. 193-194, is dialogue between Tatiana Thane and Gabriel Stewart. Tatiana speaks in exultation. Stewart frets. She laughs. He considers. She gestures. He exclaims. She speaks. He remarks. She speaks, concluding the passage. We are not told what either character inwardly thinks or feels. Thus, the passage might be narrated from either or neither pov. It could be like a scene in a play where there is dialogue but no viewpoint character.

In any case, Ivar is the predominant viewpoint character in the novel although sometimes viewed by others.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

One way of thinking about THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN is by considering it a bildungsroman. A story showing Ivar's sometimes painful growth from being an immature and callow youth to an adult discarding illusions and beginning to gain some hard won wisdom.

Ad astra! Sean