Tuesday, 15 November 2022

That Which Survives

See Looking Forward.

"...it will be detectable by neo-Freeholder technique..."
-Poul Anderson, "The Sharing of Flesh" IN Anderson, Flandry's Legacy (Riverdale, NY, June 2012), pp. 661-708 AT p. 689.

"...a man from Atheia, which was supposed to have retained or regained almost as many amenities as Old Earth knew in its glory..."
-ibid., p. 665.

"...the Fireland mountaineers on New Vixen."
-Poul Anderson, "Starfog" IN Flandry's Legacy, pp. 709-794 AT p. 717.

Atheia was not on our list of planets expected to survive, although it is mentioned earlier in the Technic History, but history is not necessarily schematic. An Atheian expedition recivilises the planet Kraken which is also mentioned earlier. The reference to "New Vixen" implies that Vixen survived long enough to found a colony.

There is also a continuity not of a planet but of a group of people. Dominic Flandry tells Hugh McCormac, the leader of the Aenean rebels going into exile:

"'Never come back...'"
-Poul Anderson, The Rebel Worlds IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, January 2020), pp. 367-520 AT CHAPTER FIFTEEN, p. 512 -

- and, sure enough:

"There had been a fight. The reasons - personal, familial, national, ideological, economic, whatever they were - had dropped into the bottom of the millennia between then and now. (A commentary on the importance of any such reasons.) But someone had so badly wanted the destruction of someone else that one ship. or one fleet, hounded another almost a quarter way around the galaxy."
-"Starfog," p. 728.

The Terrans had not hounded the Aeneans but the latter had fled that far.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Another possibility is that this one ship of McCormac rebels which founded Kirkasant was being pursued by other ex-Aeneans, for any one of now long forgotten reasons.

Ad astra! Sean