Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Pathways Through The Future

We travel through Poul Anderson's Technic History by different routes.

The need for a mind-screen is recognized in "Honorable Enemies." That led to checking information on mind-screens in "Hunters of the Sky Cave" and A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows. 

In A Knight..., a mind-screen was concealed under a turban from Ramanujan. That led to checking information on Ramanujan in "Hiding Place," The Day Of Their Return... and A Knight...

"Honorable Enemies" introduces Aycharaych and the Merseians. This leads to checking appearances of these characters in subsequently written works.

"Honorable Enemies" is set on Alfzar so we can check on other appearances by Alfzarians. These are in "A Message in Secret" and "How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson."

The question of how Borthudian dragons fly on Alfzar leads to a comparison between the original and revised versions of this story and also with works dealing with winged Ythrians.

There is probably more.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think MIRKHEIM has Chee Lan noticing an Alfzarian on public transportation they were both using on Earth. The idea of non-humans casually doing things like that and reading the London TIMES amused me!

Ad astra! Sean

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...


I think ur thinking of Jim Ching.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Maybe, but I still lean more to MIRKHEIM, not "How To Be Ethnic..."

Ad astra! Sean