Sunday, 27 November 2022

Less Distinguished Naval Careers

See Imperial Officers.

In Sector Alpha Crucis, Admiral Hugh McCormac rebels and tries to become Emperor but is forced into exile by Flandry.

On Hermes, Edwin Cairncross, youngest son by a second marriage of the Duke, enlists for a five-year hitch, is promoted during the suppression of the Nyanzan revolt and again during the Terran-Merseian confrontation at Syrax, leaves with the rank of lieutenant commander, forces his older half-brother to abdicate, becomes Duke and plans to seize the Imperial Throne by force but is defeated by Flandry.

Admiral Olaf Magnusson, a Merseian sleeper, rebels and tries to become Emperor but is defeated by a small group, including Flandry's illegitimate daughter, Diana Crowfeather.

Fleet Admiral Sandberg and Admiral da Costa must deal with Dennitza during the difficult period when that planet and the whole Taurian Sector nearly split from the Empire. Sandberg threatens to have Gospodar Bodin Miyatovich removed as sector viceroy but later da Costa accepts the good faith of the provisional government run by Flandry.

Thus, we add five more prominent Naval names:

da Costa


S.M. Stirling said...

The Terran navy in the Technic series would be a staggeringly large organization by our standards, with personnel outnumbering many fairly considerable nations as of 2022.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul and Mr. Stirling!

Paul: I actually don't remember Admiral Sandberg and we never see Admiral da Costa. I would like to stress they were not necessarily bad or incompetent officers. Simply trying to cope.

Mr. Stirling: I think Anderson would agree, as this bit from Chapter I of A CIRCUS OF HELLS shows: "To be sure, once imperialism is practiced on an interstellar scale, navies grow in size until the odds are huge against any given pair of their members happening on each other."

And recall the fascinating descriptions we get of Admiralty Center in Chapter II of THE REBEL WORLDS and Chapter VI of WE CLAIM THESE STARS.

Ad astra! Sean