Monday, 7 November 2022

John Ridenour

Ensign Flandry.

Lord Hauksberg considers which personnel to take from Starkad to Merseia:

"'Rather have that Ridenour fellow, 'course; he's the real authority, insofar as Terra's got any. But on that account, he can't be spared here.'" (p. 76)

I think that this is the first mention of Ridenour but, if readers wonder who he is, then we are soon informed:

"...Ridenour, the civilian head of xenological studies...was a tall, sandy-haired man..." (ibid.)

Using a vocalizer, Ridenour converses with the Siravo prisoner, Evenfall, then releases him from the boat into the sea. While awaiting a Siravo response, Ridenour studies his notes. Flandry reflects on how much Ridenour knows. For reasons of inter-species diplomacy, Dominic Flandry must join the undersea mission to the Siravo civilization but Ridenour tells him curtly to keep out of the way!

It is interesting to reread these passages knowing that Ridenour becomes a viewpoint character in a later instalment.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think you are overlooking why Flandry was assigned to the delegation sent to the Sea People: because of the high regard the Sisterhood of Kursoviki and influential Sisterhood captains like Dragoika had for him. Esp. for the role he played in saving the city of Kursoviki from being destroyed by the Merseians/Sea People. Meaning the Tigeries insisted on Flandry being in that delegation.

Ad astra! Sean said...

That is what I meant by inter-species diplomacy.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And that too as well, I agree.

Ad astra! Sean