Thursday, 10 November 2022

Freehold And Aruli II

"Outpost of Empire."

When the Freeholder Arulians revolt, the Empire learns that tons of war supplies and thousands of troops have already been smuggled into wilderness areas on Freehold from Aruli. When John Ridenour interviews an Arulian prisoner, their only common language is Merseian Eriau. Neither of them knows the language spoken by the local Arulians. However, Ridenour is mainly on Freehold to learn about the human "savages," as he calls them. These savages/outback people are also in conflict with the Nine Cities so are they also Merseian stooges? Not necessarily. In fact, no. But what is this intra-human conflict about?

Meanwhile, the Empire has isolated the Freeholder Arulians from any further outside help. Aruli alone cannot send any further supplies and Merseia will not escalate. When Ridenour points out that the local Arulians will be pounded until they evacuate, the prisoner screams and withdraws and that is the last that we see of any Arulian.

A complicated conflict applicable only in this single story:

the Terran Empire
the Nine Cities
the "savages"
The Merseian Roidhunate
Freeholder Arulians

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree the conflict on Freehold is complicated, involving as it does multiple parties and their allies--with even allies sometimes having conflicting goals. IOW, a lot like our real world clashes and quarrels.

Ad astra! Sean