Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Flandry Reading Order

The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume V ends with:

"Honorable Enemies"
"The Game of Glory"
"A Message in Secret"

Volume VI begins with:

"The Plague of Masters"
"Hunters of the Sky Cave"

Volume V should end with:

"Honorable Enemies"
"A Message in Secret"
"The Plague of Masters"

Volume VI should begin with:

"The Game of Glory"
"Hunters of the Sky Cave"

"Hunters..." comes immediately after "The Game..." which makes an early reference to the events of "Honorable Enemies." Two years elapse between the very beginning of "The Game...," when a monster flees from Conjumar, and the main narrative of that story, when Flandry is on Brae, then Nyanza. "Honorable Enemies" occurs in that two-year period. "A Message in Secret" and its sequel, "The Plague of Masters," must also occur then.

After "The Plague..." and "Hunters...," Volume VI concludes with:

"The Warriors from Nowhere"
A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows

"The Warriors..." was revised to be a prequel to A Knight... Although written much earlier, "The Warriors..." fits with "Hunters..." and A Knight... because all three feature Flandry's Shalmuan servant, Chives, and his private spaceship, the Hooligan. However, "The Warriors..." should also have been revised to recognize Flandry's knighthood in its opening sentence.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

This is vexatious! Hank Davis made some errors in the chronological ordering of these Flandry stories. Because of similar comments by you a few years ago, I found it necessary to revise my commentary on Sandra Miesel's chronology of the Technic stories. I hope someone at Baen Books either sees your comments here or my article--and agrees the contents of Vols. 5 and 6 of the Technic Saga needs to be rearranged.

Ad astra! Sean