Monday, 28 November 2022

Flandry And Aycharaych

Poul Anderson, "Honorable Enemies" IN Anderson, Captain Flandry: Defender Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, February 2010), pp. 277-302.

"Too bad also that we're on opposite sides...isn't it?" (p 285)

Dominic Flandry is loyal to Technic civilization which is the Terran Empire in his lifetime. Aycharaych, we later learn, is loyal not to the Merseian Roidhunate but to the Chereinonite heritage. Imagine if you were the sole heir of Terrestrial arts and sciences. If Aycharaych survives the bombardment of Chereion, then he will no longer have any reason to serve the Roidhunate but might also no longer have any reason to live.

If you move Kirk from Starfleet to Intelligence and Vulcan from the Federation to the Klingon Empire and increase Spock's telepathic abilities, then you have (almost) transformed Star Trek into the Technic History. But we know which series and which characters we prefer.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Don't get me started on the many reasons why I find STAR TREK so unsatisfactory! Starting with how shallow, trite, and superficial many of the episodes were. Other irritations were the unconvincing looking aliens and the ridiculous, impractical uniforms worn by Star Fleet personnel.

STAR TREK is far better called STAR DRECK!!!

Ad astra! Sean said...


I think that later series are better.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Do you mean the later STAR TREK movies?

Ad astra! Sean said...


Yes and later TV series.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Preaching to the choir here, but I would far rather somebody made accurate films of some of the van Rijn and Flandry stories!

Ad astra! Sean