Sunday, 13 November 2022

Desai And Uldwyr

Poul Anderson, The Day Of Their Return IN Anderson, Captain Flandry: Defender Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, February 2010), pp. 74-240.

Three pages of text (3, pp. 82-85) present a substantial future historical basis for this novel. Chunderban Desai dines with Uldwyr of the Vach Hallen. Their private room in a restaurant has poor animations but the meal is an inspired human-Merseian combination. Afterwards, they can drink more Merseian ale or tea or arthberry wine. There are references to:

the mutiny in Sector Alpha Crucis and the conflict at Jihannath (The Rebel Worlds);
Starkad (Ensign Flandy);
Talwin (A Circus Of Hells);
(implied) past conflict between Terra and Ythri (The People Of The Wind).

This is a novel where Dominic Flandry is absent but his influence is present. The Terran-Ythrian war was before his birth but he was centrally involved in Sector Alpha Crucis, on Starkad and on Talwin. He will meet Desai in A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows. Like John Ridenour, Desai both influences Flandry and makes his own contributions.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor to All!

What little we know about Jihannath was discussed in Paul's blog piece "Jihannath" and its combox, dated June 10, 2013.

Ad astra! Sean