Friday 28 May 2021

Two Omnibus Collections

Confusingly, "Quixote And The Windmill" is not included in Chronology of Future on pp. 217-218 of Poul Anderson, The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 3. However, if we (rightly) re-include it, then there are eleven installments before and eleven after the invention of the hyperdrive in 2784. These twenty two installments could be collected as two omnibus volumes although Volume II would have to include both the longer and the shorter versions of "Virgin Planet."

These two periods subdivide further as:

four pre-Solar Union stories;
three "social" stories;
four "political" stories (see here);
three stories of early interstellar exploration;
seven Stellar Union stories, with two versions of one;
one Galactic civilization story -

- with the usual caveats as to whether some of these stories really do belong in this future history series.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I thought just now of another vexation, does Anderson's "The Critique of Impure Reason" belongs or not with the Pyschotechnic timeline? Both "Quixote" and "Critique" seem to share common backgrounds with things like Citizens Credit and mass unemployment caused by technological advances.

Like "Star Ship," I now wonder if "Quixote and the Windmill" were both written so early in Anderson's career (1950) they might not have been among those he thought of as belonging to the Psychotechnic History. Esp. since "Star Ship" were among those stories he "dashed off" for PLANET STORIES for some quick money.

Ad astra! Sean