Tuesday 25 May 2021


I read somewhere that part of the plan for Robert Heinlein's Future History was that place names would link otherwise autonomous stories: Luna City on the Moon, Drywater on Mars, Venusburg on Venus etc. Poul Anderson did this with the name of the planet, Nerthus, in his Psychotechnic History.

"Diary of Yamagata Tetsuo,
"Chief of Coordination Service,
"Argus 293, Stellamont, Nerthus"
-Poul Anderson, "Virgin Planet" IN Anderson, The Complete Psychotechnic League, Volume 3 (New York, 2018), pp. 43-112 AT p. 47.

"Ship Harpsong of Nerthus, out of Highsky for David's Landing, is long overdue..."
-Poul Anderson, "The Pirate" IN Anderson, op. cit., pp. 137-165 AT p. 137.
"'You will go to the Sagittarian frontier of the Stellar Union,' the machine had said. 'The planet Carsten's Star III, otherwise called Nerthus, is recommended as a starting point.'"
-Poul Anderson, The Peregrine, CHAPTER IV, p. 23.
Since Nerthus is introduced in the linked stories, "The Acolytes" and "The Green Thumb," which I have read only once since they were collected in 2018, I will shortly reread them. 

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