Wednesday 5 May 2021

In The Trees

"The Plague of Masters," XIII.

Higher branches are equivalent to Terran oaks;

lower, forking branches resemble forests;

a branch core is almost as strong as steel whereas the rest of the branch is light like balsa and Unan Besaran gravity is lower than Terran;

bright leaves reflect light downward, preventing shadows;

roots are like walls;

wind through the Trees sounds like a loud waterfall;

there are over a thousand Trees too far apart to be seen all at once;

"'...each Tree is the home of a single blood-line...'" (p. 123);

there are plastic rungs and platforms to rest on;

branches are like roads but with no railings;

buildings are woven from parasitic grasses;

the shrine stands against the trunk with a deep tunnel cut into the wood;

branch dwellers cultivate lesser trees, grow vegetables, keep domesticated fowl, eat bark worms and insects, create a lumber and plastics industry by pruning and cutting branches and hunt and fish on the ground;

the Trees are moribund but human beings symbiotically preserve the remaining few;

near the top at night, it is like standing above and hearing a lake with lights visible on the next Tree but darkness beyond.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Great Trees averaging two KILOMETERS in height, plus being proportionately broad, would NEED to be widely spaced!

And are there real Trees like those of Ranau somewhere in the GalaxY?

Ad astra! Sean