Friday 14 May 2021

Psychological Equations

The Peregrine.

See Two Psychotechnic Practices In The Coordination Service.

The equations are said to indicate psychological probabilities, not certainties, but would they be able to do even that much? Equations like (E = MCsquared) describe unconscious physical processes. Consciousness is, of course, based in physical reality. Nevertheless, it differs qualitatively from unconscious processes. Physical scientists study material objects that are external to - that exist independently of - the scientists themselves as conscious subjects whereas psychologists study our internal conscious, and unconscious mental, processes. A planetary orbit follows the path predicted by an astronomer, provided that he calculates correctly, whereas, if a man knows that it has been predicted that he will choose X, then he might decide to confound the prediction by choosing Y. Even if he is not informed of the prediction, the fact remains that sciences differ as their subject matters differ and that a human mind differs qualitatively from any system describable entirely in terms of the laws of motion. Are "psychohistory" and "psychotechnics" misapplications of the categories of the physical sciences onto psychology and sociology?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly! You have explained very well why there CANNOT be an exact science describing human beings and their societies.

Asimovian "psychohistory" and Andersonian "psychotechnics" were merely science fictional terms invented by these writers for use in some of their stories. They should not be taken literally.

Ad astra! Sean