Tuesday 12 January 2021


Must every ET have two eyes? 
No. A Baburite has four.
Must every ET have two legs?
No. A Baburite has eight.

Must every ET be either male or female?
No. A Baburite changes now and again.
Must every ET eat and speak through a mouth?
No. A Baburite chews food with claws, puts it in a pouch where it dissolves, then sucks it through a snout. It speaks through diaphragms on the sides of the skull.

Must every ET hear with ears and smell with a nose?
No. A Baburite hears and smells through tracheae protected by opercula.

Must every ET be one color all over?
No. A Baburite is banded in orange, blue, white and black.

Non-humanoid aliens forever.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly, while it is reasonable to expect evolution on some planets to parallel how life forms evolved on Earth in some way, Anderson was more than capable of speculating about truly DIFFERENT life forms, including very strange (to us) intelligent races. And does so, with the Baburites.

Ad astra! Sean