Monday 25 January 2021

Where's Olga?

A Stone In Heaven, II.

From his battlemented tower on an extinct volcano in the middle of the Hermetian continent, Greatland, Edwin Cairncross, Grand Duke of Hermes, sees:

Mogul, sun of Babur, the Hermetian Protectorate;
Olga, the constellation that contains, invisibly of course, the extinct sun of Mirkheim;
not Sol, which is too far away.

How many Olgas are there in the Technic History?

The Grand Survey spaceship, Olga, discovers Ythri and Avalon;
the explorers of Avalon include Olga Berg;
Olga's Landing is a city on Imhotep;
Olga is a constellation on Hermes.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm not sure, but wasn't Imhotep also discovered during the first Grand Survey by that same ship, the "Olga"? If so, I can see the founders of Olga's Landing naming their town like that from the site where explorers from the ship landed.

Ad astra! Sean said...


No. Discovery of Imhotep by the Survey ship OLGA has merely been speculation on this blog!


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Only goes to show how widely speculations can range! Very well, Olga's Landing need not have anything to do with the first Grand Survey.

Ad astra! Sean