Friday 22 January 2021

Nicholas Falkayn, Engineer


Nicholas Falkayn, born near the end of Mirkheim and named after his great-grandfather, speaks three sentences to his son, Nat, in "Wingless" and that is the extent of his contribution to the Technic History. We know of this Nicholas that he:

lives in Chartertown;

is an engineer;

spends many Morganan months in Trauvay/Wingland as part of a research and development team for the colonization of the Coronan continent;

takes his family to Trauvay for the duration, thus occasioning Nat's adventure in "Wingless."

Nat's grandfather, David, is mentioned at the beginning of the story but the historical narrative is speeding up. The following installment, set during the colonization of Corona, does not mention Falkayns although it does cameo a Holm. (Later again, a Holm will marry a Falkayn.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It was almost certainly the Stran episode on Hermes, and it consequences, which convinced David Falkayn he would not like to return permanently to that planet with his family after MIRKHEIM. Because he would not have disliked the less libertarian turn the Grand Duchy took even after Strang was overthrown.

Ad astra! Sean