Wednesday 6 January 2021

"A Text In Job" II

"The Problem of Pain."

See "A Text In Job."

I have read Job 38-41 where God replies to Job. I do not think that Peter Berg will find any text to address his problem on Avalon. This God seems to assert that he should never be challenged - despite "Israel" meaning "one who struggles with God."

Ythrians might appreciate some of God's boasts. We are not told whether their Hunter is also a Creator.

He asks:

"Do you know where the light comes from...?" (38: 19)

Yes, now we do. Many of us believe that the natural phenomena listed occur without any conscious direction. And, of course, the sun does not really come up. (38: 24)

There is some good cosmic mythology here:

"In the dawn of the day the stars sang together,
"and the heavenly beings shouted for joy..." (38: 7)
...Poul Anderson and other sf writers were there in spirit.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Job 38 to 41 were not the chapters I might have been thinking of trying remember as being apt for Peer Berg's case.

And I can certainly imagine the angels shouting for joy at the Big Bang!

Ad astra! Sean