Thursday 6 August 2020

Ultimates And Culminations

I periodically summarize both the content and the structure of Poul Anderson's Technic History because I never tire of appreciating this series. In fact, if anyone knows of a better future history series than the Technic History or of a better time travel series than the Time Patrol, then I would like to hear about them.

Anderson also wrote an ultimate cosmological sf novel, Tau Zero, and an ultimate speculation about AI in the cosmos, Genesis, so his works include several culminations of the science fiction tradition initiated by Mary Shelley. They may be the ultimate culminations. Will our civilization last long enough to produce any more? Or will global disaster be the sf idea that becomes real? We face the same issues as many fictional characters.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree with what you said about Anderson's Technic Civilization and Time Patrol series. I think Jerry Pournelle's Co-Dominium stories comes closest in quality to Anderson's Technic tales.

But, simply in its QUALITY, at least, I think STARFARERS and GENESIS are better than TAU ZERO. I recall Anderson himself commenting he wished he had taken longer writing TZ.

Ad astra! Sean