Friday 28 August 2020


Poul Anderson, "Star of the Sea" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 467-640.

"Star of the Sea" presents mythology, history and fiction. More specifically:

imaginatively reconstructed earlier stages of mythology;

both historical fiction and summarized history;

time travel fiction with both historical and contemporary settings;

a concluding prayer.

The text begins:

"By day Niaerdh roamed among the seals and whales and fish she had made." (I, p. 467)

Niaerdh is a goddess who will be identified with an agent of the Time Patrol. The masculine form of the deity, Njord, (scroll down) appears in Anderson's War Of The Gods. We have also read "Nerthus" (scroll down) as the name of a planet in Anderson's Psychotechnic History.

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