Thursday 6 August 2020

Inter-Species Interactions

"Hall of the Mountain King," Chapter Thirteen.

Meanwhile, in the Man-Kzin Wars period, intelligent beings come into conflict when they suspect each other of duplicity but rush to the rescue when one of their number is in danger. At least, they do in this case.

Interactions are more complicated than usual when the beings are of different species and therefore have different psychologies. However, interaction would be impossible if they were completely dissimilar.


The Dispersal Of Ymir
Thinking Outside The Box

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I can imagine some intelligent races so different from humans, Merseians, Wodenites, Ythrians, etc., that interaction with them is very, very hard to do.

It's what races have in common that allows the possibility of them being able to do business together or even have wars with one another.

Ad astra! Sean