Wednesday 11 December 2019

An Ythrian On Aeneas II

The Day Of Their Return.

Passing ruined High Ones buildings, two Aenean tinerans dismount, kneel, lift arms, chant, rise, cross themselves and sacrifice water by spitting. Erannath's Ythrian eyesight enables him to watch without descending. Instead:

"He cruised through slow circles like a sign in heaven." (8, p. 141)

Thus, another layer of symbolism is projected onto the Ythrian.

"...the Son of Man...coming on the clouds of heaven." (See here.)

Ivar Frederiksen has just been wondering whether the Domain of Ythri might supply clandestine arms to Aeneas in its struggle against the Terran Empire. Indeed, might the whole of Sector Alpha Crucis leave the Empire and join the easier-going Domain? Thus, Ivar has an earthier idea of help from heaven.

(Ivar thinks, "Alpha Cruets." Is this a spelling mistake?)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I looked up that part of Chapter 8 of my copy of the Doubleday edition of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, and I saw "Sector Alpha Crucis." So, plainly, "Cruets" was a misprint in the Baen Books version.

Ad astra! Sean