Sunday 23 September 2018

Columbus' Egg And The Milky Way.

Poul Anderson, The Enemy Stars, 14-15.

"With her drive and her unharmed transceiver web aimed at the sky, the ship rested like Columbus' egg." (14, p. 113)

OK. I had not known about Columbus' egg. Meanwhile, two of the four crew members have died.

"A chopped off Milky Way and a rising constellation...told him that a horizon existed, but his animal instinct did not believe it." (15, p. 114)

Our instincts expect the Terrestrial environment and horizon. See also here.

 Poul Anderson has got me back into rereading James Blish. Recent posts on James Blish Appreciation are listed here.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! I don't think I ever noticed the mention of "Columbus' egg" in my previous readings of THE ENEMY STARS. I'll be looking up this "egg." These blog pieces of yours are invaluable, bringing to my (and I hope other readers) attention small, but interesting details which were too easily overlooked.
