Monday 9 April 2018

Gwydionian Symbolism

Elfavy begins to explain some Gwydionian symbolism but breaks off because she and Raven are preoccupied with their feelings. What she does manage to say is that:

a hexagonal shape represents the regularity of natural laws;

the enclosure of the hexagon in a circle is a recognition that such regularity is itself enclosed in a greater scheme;

the hexagon-in-a-circle is the symbol of Owan the Sunsmith.

A circle is an appropriate symbol for the point of contact between the finite known and the infinite unknown. See:

What We Know
Socratic Fiction?
The Unknown
Witchcraft, Natural Philosophy And The Universe

A circle also symbolizes the solar disc. The Sun is the source of light and life, thus the agency by which the One knows itself in and through sentient organisms.

A circle also encloses the yin-yang symbol, representing the interpenetration of opposites. (See The Night Face, II, pp. 562-563.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And, of course, the circle is a sacred symbol for the nation of Larsum, on the planet Ivanhoe (as we see in "Three-Cornered Wheel"). Albeit that story was set long before THE NIGHT FACE.
