Friday 27 April 2018

Pandemonium (All Demons)

Previously on this blog, we:

contrasted Neil Gaiman's winged Lucifer Morningstar with Poul Anderson's more abstract Adversary here;

mentioned James Blish's SAC attack on Dis here;

cited the devil tempting Jesus here;

accompanied John Milton's winged Satan flying through Chaos here.

We may add that:

Lucifer Morningstar retrieves his severed wings in Mike Carey's Lucifer;

Blish's The Day After Judgment climaxes with Dante's winged Satan speaking in Miltonic verse;

Anderson's The Merman's Children ends with a preacher speculating that Satan will repent after Armageddon. (See Through The Western Gate.)

Thus, a powerful figure in mythology, literature and fiction and, some believe, in reality. Various fictional multiverses, including Anderson's, open the possibility that Satan exists in some universes although not in others. Creative imagination is the Everything Box.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I too believe Satan is a real being or entity, and I suspect all the universes are accessible to him. Non corporeal beings like the angels, good or evil, are not bound by PHYSICAL laws.
