Saturday 21 April 2018

Life On Nike

A dense carpet of a soft mossy growth;

fronded pale green-blue native gymnosperm plants;

imported oaks, birches, primroses and grass;

pseudo-moss flourishing only in shade;

native insectoid flyers and awkward amphibians;

imported thrushes, bulbuls, hawks, butterflies, bees, boars, mustangs, carabao and six-legged antlered tanithars.

Thus, not all imported species are terrestroid.

(Poul Anderson, "A Tragedy of Errors.")


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

"Tanithars" are new to me. I don't recall which of the other Technic stories mentions that breed. Or was it only mentioned once in "A Tragedy of Errors" as an imported species of animal?

Sean said...

I think only here. (The name sounds Barsoomian.)

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Now that you mentioned it, "tanithar" does seem rather Barsoomian!


S.M. Stirling said...

Within the imaginarium, the person who discovered the species might well have been an ERB fan. said...

Appropriate since the creature in question is six-legged.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Dear Mr. Stirling,

I like both that word, "imaginarium" and your suggestion that a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs named the "tanithars."
