Sunday 4 March 2018

Windhome And The Milky Way

"They rounded a cluster of trees and spied the castle. Windhome stood on what had once been a cape and now thrust out into the air, with a dizzying drop beneath. Lights glowed yellow from its bulk, outlying dark old walls and battlements. The Wildfoss River brawled past in cataracts."
-Poul Anderson, The Rebel Worlds IN Anderson, Young Flandry (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 367-520 At Chapter Six, p. 425.

"Dawn was not far when Ivar Frederiksen reached Windhome.
"Gray granite walled the ancestral seat of the Firstman of Ilion. It stood near the edge of an ancient cape. In tiers and scarps, crags and cliffs, thinly brush-grown or naked rock, the continental shelf dropped down three kilometers to the Antonine Seabed. So did the river, a flash by the castle, a clangor of cataracts."
-Poul Anderson, The Day Of Their Return IN Anderson, Captain Flandry: Defender Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 74-238 AT 2, p. 79.

So Ivar Frederiksen walks the same territory as Hugh McCormac. And above Ivar:

"...the Milky Way was a white torrent..."

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

Beautiful and lovely descriptions indeed! And I can imagine parts of Mars looking like this if we ever get around to terraforming that planet.
