Saturday 31 March 2018

Under Bombardment

See Make Oneness and:

Making Oneness
Ramnuans lose themselves in dance, music and chant until they and the world no longer have names, then sleep to wake renewed, comforted, strengthened and inwardly peaceful. Is this sub- or supra-rational? It sounds like the former to me.
-copied from here.

We know that Ramnuan weather is turbulent so it is no surprise that there is a storm when Dominic Flandry's spaceship, Hooligan, descends to rendezvous with Yewwl's party. Nevertheless, the description of the storm includes appropriately suggestive features:

clouds make night except when there is lightning;
raindrops are huge, each illuminated by the lightning;
the thick air makes the thunder like a bombardment;
wind thrusts hard;
its "voice" is like drums, not shrieks;
rain falls vertically and strikes violently and explosively;
small devil-shaped flyers called "storm bats" by human beings flit through the storm.

Flandry might have to do battle with an errant Duke but meanwhile is already in an elemental battle with overtones of Hell.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Very nice! I'm slowly rereading some of the Dominic Flandry stories and A STONE IN HEAVEN will need to be read.

I'm currently reading "A Message in Secret," reaching Section X. I'm a bit surprised you've said relatively little about the Ice People Flandry met in Section IX. I recall Sandra Meisel's view that these being were far more truly wise than that last survivor of an equally ancient race, Aycharaych of Chereion.

Sean said...

Check out the post, "Altai VI," on the Poul Anderson's Cosmic Environments blog.
Paul. said...

And "Altaian Ice Folk" on Wed, 14 March 2018, on this blog.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I will. Thanks!
