Sunday 11 March 2018

Telepathy And Prayer

Knowing that Aycharaych is a telepath, Dominic Flandry thinks threats at him: if you try to speak, I will kill you etc. Flandry knows that Aycharaych will "read" and heed this thought.

Is this what prayer is like? Are there powerful beings that can read our thoughts and that therefore can detect any thoughts that we address directly to them?

Is this possible? Yes.
Do I think that it happens? No.
Do some people think that it happens? Yes.
Is there any evidence for it? Some say yes but it is nowhere near to being proved.

I pray hypothetically before meditating. Help comes from friends and experience even if not from literal Bodhisattvas.

(By "possible," I mean logically possible, no more than that. Whether it is physically possible to detect and interpret brain waves is an empirical question.)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I thought brain waves has been detected and measured. But I might be wrong. And my recollection is the Rhine Institute does study telepathy and ESP talents. And PA made speculations about telepathy in "Journeys End" and "Progress." The latter giving us some intriguing suggestions about artificial telepathy.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Dang! My second comment disappeared. This is discouraging!


Sean M. Brooks said...

I think I know what happened, I simply wrote a comment I meant for this blog piece and mistakenly deposited it in the next one.
