Thursday 1 March 2018

Talwin And Beringia

Copied from Poul Anderson's Cosmic Environments:

(Chalcolithic artifacts.)

On Talwin, most Ruadrath societies are chalcolithic. I have learned by googling this word.

Merseians studying the two intelligent species, Ruadrath and Domrath, on the planet Talwin in Poul Anderson's A Circus Of Hells resemble the Time Patrol studying the Paleo-Indians in Beringia in 13,211 B.C. in Anderson's The Shield Of Time. In both cases, the natives accept without question the sudden arrival of powerful strangers who, however, must not disrupt the natives' lives too much. Needless to say, Dominic Flandry on Talwin and Wanda Tamberly in Beringia find ways to be disruptive.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

Flandry and Tamberly were DISRUPTIVE? That was certainly the case. And there would have been no story worth reading if there had not been problems which caused Flandry and Tamberly to be disruptive due to them seeking resolutions of those problems.
