Sunday 4 March 2018

Night Ride On Aeneas

Human beings have imported horses and green, six-legged stathas to Aeneas. Stathas are slower but have more endurance over the long dry stretches of Aeneas. Six legs give a lulling rhythm. (Good guess. Maybe they would.)

Sam Hedin and Ivar Frederiksen ride stathas along a dirt track across ground where starkwood bushes and sword trava are sparse. (Trava is the Aenean grass-equivalent.) A catavale yowls and an ula flaps by.

Impies seeking Ivar ransack farms and prowl in aircars. The fugitives would be detected if they fled by car or had heating units in their clothes.

They converse. What they say is important but here I am concentrating on the physical details of the journey.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

And, for a long time, it's my view that animals, Terran or not, would be more practical than machinery for many kinds of work and load carrying on colonial worlds. Anderson believed that newly founded colonies would not be able to afford high tech machinery. That might have remained true, to some degree, even centuries later. To say nothing, of course, how horses and stathas would be kept by some for reasons of affection.
