Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Designing Spaceships

Svantozik points out that Ardazirho and human beings have thumbs on opposite sides of their hands and that a lumbar conformation makes Ardazirho lie prone instead of sit, therefore their spaceship controls are designed differently. (The ammunition truck driver must have been lying prone.) Ardazirho ships will have to be reconfigured for human use. Can Flandry help? Yes, he can hijack a ship and escape.

An sf film had human beings flying small battle craft designed for entirely non-humanoid beings. I did not go to see the sequel.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And given his training and experience with non humans, Flandry would and could make at least temporary use of such alien designs.

And that last bit, about the film which made such an incredible blooper about humans EASILY small battle craft meant for non humans is one reason why I have such disdain for most of what passes for TV/film SF!
