Thursday 1 March 2018


Catawrayannis on Llynathawr cannot compete either with Starfall on Hermes (and here) or with Zorkagrad on Dennitza 
(and here) but nevertheless impresses the reader as a real place:

the Governor's palace, big and pastel-tinted with domes and colonnades, is surrounded by gardens on its high hill;

below are terraced civil service buildings;

the wealthy live around the hill;

other dwellings blend into farms to the west and the city to the east;

the Luana River has low commercial towers on one side and slums on the other;

there is a haze and a cool spring breeze;

there are vehicles in the streets and the sky;

there are also peaceful trees - and a space warcraft passing overhead -

- a quiet environment and preparations for war.

It is also where James Ching eventually settled.

1 comment: said...

Kaor, Paul!

Catawrayannis certainly seems a quite pleasant place to live in! A pity Aaron Snelund couldn't have been content with being governor of Sector Alpha Crucis. Considering his very real abilities and talents, he could have been a very good governor.
