Friday 15 September 2023

Narrative Connections

In the Polesotechnic League period of Poul Anderson's History of Technic Civilization, James Ching informs us that his Wodenite friend, Adzel, had helped him to get an apprenticeship. In the early Imperial period of the Technic History, Hloch of the Stormgate Choth on Avalon, Editor of The Earth Book of Stormgate, informs us that Ching had settled down in Catawrayannis. In the later Imperial period, the omniscient narrator informs us that Dominic Flandry had visited Catawrayannis and also that the Empire had bought the planet, Llynathawr, with its single city, Catawrayannis, from Cynthians.

Further, Nicholas van Rijn's first trade pioneer crew consisted of Adzel, the Cynthian, Chee Lan, and their team leader, David Falkayn, who later founded the joint human-Ythrian colony on Avalon where his remote descendant, Tabitha Falkayn who was Hrill of Highsky Choth, married Christopher Holm who was Arinnian of Stormgate Choth and a contributor to the Earth Book. Later, Flandry commented favourably on the biracial culture of Avalon.

Thus, multiple narrative threads connect the many parts of the Technic History. Further into the future, familiar references become less frequent. However, in the very last instalment, Daven Laure is from New Vixen. Flandry had visited Vixen and there were Kittredges from Vixen in both the League and the Empire periods. Adzel and Chee Lan met Henry Kittredge, Flandry met Kit Kittredge and Helen Kittredge joined Olaf Magnusson's rebellion which was foiled by a new team including Flandry's daughter.

However, this summary in no way exhausts the many connections unifying the Technic History.


DaveShoup2MD said...

Indeed. Anderson had a lot of references back-and-forth that are fun to come across, and some of the deeper ones are what make the stories seem so very "lived-in."

He was a gifted and entertaining story teller.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, to Both!

I agree! Now off to bed.

Ad astra! Sean