Thursday 14 September 2023

Llynathawr And Catawrayannis


The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER FOUR.

I love Poul Anderson's descriptions of the planet, Llynathawr, and its single city, Catawrayannis:

discovered and named by Cynthians;

bought by the Terran Empire;

seat of the civil authority of Sector Alpha Crucis;

close to naval sector headquarters on Ifri;

a brisk mart although with many non-human entrepreneurs;

a failed attempt to encourage further human colonization;

"...trafficless oceans, empty plains, a wilderness where lights gleamed rare and lonely after dark.
"Of course, this has the advantage of not turning the planet as a whole into still another cesspool, Flandry thought." (pp. 400-401)

Exactly. I like the idea of a planet with a busy city surrounded by trafficless oceans and empty plains.


DaveShoup2MD said...

Definitely an edge of the empire garrison town...

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I would disagree with calling Llynathawr a failed colony. The Sector capital, Catawrayannis, still had a permanent population of a million. To me that implies a hinterland sufficient to support it: smaller towns, farms, plantations, mines, fisheries, etc. So, several more millions were living on the planet.

A small colony, yes, but not a failed one.

Ad astra! Sean