Thursday 21 September 2023

Death On Dido

The Rebel Worlds, CHAPTER TWELVE.

Cave Discoverer's ruka is killed in battle. Cave Discoverer ceases to exist. Many Thoughts and Master of Songs now cannot exist. Cave Discoverer will no longer travel to the annual fair. Therefore, almost certainly, Raft Farer will no longer exist - unless some other entity takes the former Cave Discoverer's noga to the fair, thus enabling it again to link with the other two units that, together with it, form Raft Farer. 

Have Cave Discoverer, Many Thoughts, Master of Songs and (probably) Raft Farer, these four entities, all "died"? All that has physically died here is a single organism constituting one Didonian unit of multiple entities. 

I only work here.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A tribodied intelligent "species" will be as hard to understand as time traveling!

Ad astra! Sean