Thursday 7 September 2023

Arzunian Powers

"Sargasso of Lost Starships."

"A lonely bird, cruel-beaked and watchful, hovered on great black wings far overhead, waiting for them to die." (V, p. 408)

This hovering bird is a scavenger, not a predator.

Arzunian life is:

"'...linked to the primary atomic probabilities...'" (IV, p. 406)

OK. Atomic movements are not deterministic but probabilistic and living organisms can affect them.

"'...psi functions...give the continuous field-distribution of matter-energy in space-time.'" (ibid.)

Thus, conscious Arzunian organisms, animals as well as the intelligent humanoids, can:

"'...control...external matter and energy by conscious will acting through the unified field which is space-time. Telekinesis.'" (ibid.)

"'...their type of matter-control is heterodyned by living nerve currents.'" (IV, p. 407)

Never having had to develop much technology, Arzunians carry spears. They can turn aside blaster bolts or missiles but might be caught unawares by a sudden sword thrust. Consequently, the Terrans use their blaster flames to shape weapons from the metal of their wrecked ship. Yet another rationalization of sword fights in an otherwise high tech future.

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