Wednesday 9 August 2023

Gratillonius And Dahut

The Dog And The Wolf.

Gratillonius' work is unstinting, sending Evirion to Britannia to negotiate joint patrols at sea and joint actions against the barbarians and visiting other continental regions to argue that they too can break from Rome but must cooperate with Armorica. It took a long time for Gratillonius to accept that expulsion of Roman officials was necessary and he always understood that to have himself proclaimed Emperor would be not to solve the problems but to exacerbate them. 

He also drives himself as he does in order to forget Dahut but the time must come when action has to be taken against her. The story of Ys will not end until she does and that must be soon because we draw close to the end of Volume IV of the Tetralogy.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree, if you mean Flavius Claudius Constantine's usurpation of the Imperial title convinced Gratillonius that, no matter how reluctantly, he had to rebel against Rome to save something from wreckage.

Our knowledge of the Armorican revolt or secession is unfortunately sketchy, but in one of their notes the Andersons mentioned how the Armoricans came to terms with Emperor Honorius (r. 395-423). Most likely during 413-423 when Honorius and his generals were making some progress in restoring order to the Western Empire.

Ad astra! Sean