Sunday 27 August 2023

Baburite Bands

My latest attempt to summarize materialist philosophy is here.

Sf writers imagine alien material conditions generating qualitatively different kinds of consciousness. In Poul Anderson's Technic History:

on Vanrijn, two animals of different species link physically to form a single intelligence;

on Dido, three animals of different species do likewise;

on Babur, many intelligent beings of a single species link by complementarity in their sexual cycles and by radio waves to form a "Band" with a single personality.

A Band does not subordinate individual Baburites who remain unique, each making a special contribution, although communing or communicating:

"...on a level deeper than consciousness."
-Mirkheim, V, p. 85.

Tradition might be neither oral nor written but perceived. The Imperial Band leads although self-regulating Baburites are not mutually conflictive and need little government.


DaveShoup2MD said...

Interesting stuff; always a contrast in how various authors have approached the concept of a group or hive mind, going back to Stapledon and even before. Anderson's portrayals of various "multi-part" intelligences is an interesting contrast to the standard approaches.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Dang! I completely missed those points about the Baburites the last times I read "Esau"/MIRKHEIM.

Ad astra! Sean