Sunday 13 August 2023

Content Versus Chronology

Might a publisher present four volumes containing, respectively: 

the six works that are only about van Rijn without Falkayn etc;

the seven works that feature Falkayn, and in four cases also van Rijn;

the three pre-League stories and the three other League stories;

the five works set between the League and Flandry?

That would be a subdivision by content but the point of a future history series is to show not only linear but also contemporaneous events and activities by different characters. Narrative threads have to interweave.

"The Season of Forgiveness," about later events on the planet Ivanhoe, should be read some time after "The Three-Cornered Wheel," in which Falkayn was on Ivanhoe.

"The Master Key" shows what van Rijn is doing back on Earth while Falkayn and the trader team are out there.

"A Little Knowledge" should be read about the same time as "Lodestar," confirming the deterioration of the Polesotechnic League.

The fourth volume suggested above would work and could be entitled Avalon And Empire. However, The Technic Civilization Saga, Volume III, Rise of the Terran Empire, already contains Mirkheim followed by the contents of the proposed volume.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

One of the points that could be said about "A Little Knowledge" is that the deterioration of the League was not yet too obvious. The miscreants in that story still feared what would happen to them if the League found out about their schemes.

Ad astra! Sean