Monday 14 March 2022

What Next For Danny Coffin?

Poul Anderson, "Passing The Love Of Women" IN Anderson, New America (New York, 1982), pp. 51-84.

Future histories incorporate future biographies. What we notice first in this story is that Danny Coffin has reached adulthood. He has given "strict orders" (p. 53) about something, has made a date with a woman called Mary and is living, or at least spending time, in a cabin in a station in the wilderness. Danny did not exist until the fourth installment of the Rustum series and now seems to be taking over as viewpoint character. My memories from previous readings tell me that yet another decision will have to be made about Danny's relationship with the Rustumite lowlands where he had a traumatic childhood experience from which he has recovered but that does not mean that life stops making demands. As with the previous story, the title is a clue as to what will transpire.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A title like "Passing the Love of Women" might make readers think Dan Coffin will have to make painful choices.

Ad astra! Sean