Sunday 27 March 2022

Late Night Reading: Neil Gaiman

These words were written by Neil Gaiman but all true Andersonians will recognize their relevance:

"The true Atlantis is inside you, just as it's inside all of us. The sunken land is lost beneath the dark sea, lost beneath the waves of wet, black stories and myths that break upon the shores of our minds.
"Atlantis is the shadow-land, the birth-place of civilization. The fair land in the west that is lost to us, but remains forever, true birthplace and true goal.
"It is Lyonesse, and Avalon, and Hy-Brasail."
 -Neil Gaiman, The Books Of Magic, Book I, The Invisible Labyrinth (New York, 1990), panel 2, p. 27.
"It's all going to be a dreadful mess. I mean, I'll get Arthur up and running, swords out of stones, all that. 
"Create the fleeting wisp of glory called Camelot, like a firework, a Roman candle, that sputters its light through the Dark Ages and then fades from sight once more."
-ibid., p. 34, panel 4, captions 1-2.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I also thought of Numenore, Tolkien's version of the Atlantis legend, as seen in such works of his as "The Akallabeth," "The Line of Elros," "Aldarion and Erendis," etc.

Ad astra! Sean