Thursday 10 March 2022

The Same Prayer In Two Timelines

Orbit Unlimited.

Below the clouds, Coffin tests several Rustumite plants and finds that they are humanly edible:

"'Father,' Coffin murmured, 'I thank Thee.'" (6, p. 134)

Thus, Coffin echoes Captain Telander in Tau Zero.

Orbit Unlimited and Tau Zero have in common that they assume relativistic spaceflight but they also assume different future Earths.

Tomorrow will be a day trip to Liverpool so maybe no blogging. Saturday will hopefully be a visit to Andrea in Morecambe so maybe less blogging. The following Saturday will be a day trip to London so almost certainly no blogging. Otherwise, onward.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Altho precedents for doing so can be found in the OT, the daring idea of addressing God as Father came more from the Pater Noster taught by Christ to the disciples.

Ad astra! Sean