Sunday 5 January 2020

The Grand Council

(My favorite Ensign Flandry cover, although its blurb calls Flandry "intergalactic.")

Ensign Flandry, CHAPTER THREE.

Chwioch reports that Shwylt Shipsbane will not be detained at Gwelloch and will attend Dhanhodhan. "Gwelloch" is a Merseian-sounding name. That is all we know about it and all we need to know, to paraphrase John Keats.

Brechdan names three other members of the Grand Council:

Priadwyr -

- all, like him, Hands of their Vachs.

I expect that the Council comprises Hands and any other males whose input is required. Brechdan himself had become a fleet admiral before succeeding to the Handship but some serving admirals might also be needed.

Brechdan's several wives are:

"...good females, of course, thrifty, trustworthy, cultivated, as females should be." (p. 24)

Is this subordination merely social or also genetic? Among Larry Niven's kzinti, females are non-linguistic.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It seems reasonable to think the Roidhun's Grand Council comprises not only the most able or powerful Hands from among the Vachs, but also the highest civil and military officials of the government. Esp. since Merseia did not distinguish civil and military functions as strictly as did the Empire.

Wildwidh Ocean Merseian females might be "subordinate," but as described in this chapter of ENSIGN FLANDRY, it does not seem unduly harsh. No, I would call this "subordination" merely cultural. And nothing like how the Kzin of Larry Niven's Man/Kzin Wars genetically engineered their females to be non-linguistic and of very limited intelligence.

Ad astra! Sean said...

I am having a sleepless night here so I am following your comments.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I can guess why you might be sleepless! So I hope my comments might give you some distraction.

Ad astra! Sean