Wednesday 9 October 2019

Ythri, League And Empire

The Technic History is mostly the League period followed by the Imperial period but is not just that. First, there is a before, a between and an after. Secondly, in The Earth Book Of Stormgate, an Avalonian Ythrian of the early Imperial period looks back at:

human discovery of Ythri during the Grand Survey;

the Polesotechnic League;

joint human-Ythrian exploration, then colonization, of the planet Avalon which is in the Domain of Ythri, not in the Terran Empire.

Thus, Ythrians are a third major strand in the History.

The League and Avalon are linked by David Falkayn who is a major figure in the former and the Founder of the colony on the latter. In fact, Falkayn becomes a more influential figure than his employer and mentor, van Rijn.

Dominic Flandry of the Empire later cites Avalon as as interesting inter-species culture. Flandry's influence extends well beyond the Fall of the Empire.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

We should not minimize Nicholas van Rijn's own role and influence too much! Hloch, the Ythrian editor of THE EARTH BOOK OF STORMGATE, had to remind his readers that to many planets other than Avalon, Old Nick was far better known than David Falkayn. That van Rijn was a folk hero or villain to the peoples of many worlds (as we see in THE PLAGUE OF MASTERS).

Ad astra! Sean