Wednesday 23 October 2019

Genres And Media

A superheroes comic book maxi-series set in an alternative twentieth century and collected as a graphic novel had a comic books prequel and a feature film adaptation which now has a TV series sequel. The sequel is a different story with different characters but occasional references to the events of the film. Thus, to this extent at least, the TV series makes a good contribution to an alternative/future history series.

However, this serves to remind sf readers of how much better writers of prose sf do it. The planet Ythri is discovered and the planet Cynthia mentioned in Poul Anderson's "Wings of Victory," then both planets are mentioned in Anderson's excellent "How To Be Ethnic In One Easy Lesson," showing domestic life on an urbanized Earth while interstellar travel is happening.

Thus, watching TV reminds some of us of Anderson.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And your remarks here reminded me of how a friend told me last night that the books some films are allegedly based on were so much better than the screen versions! A view I agreed with, of course.

Which again brings to mind my "Textual Crawl For Flandry Movies," wherein I discussed such issues in greater detail.

Ad astra! Sean