Monday 28 January 2019

Time Travel Fiction

In my opinion:

one novel by Audrey Niffenegger;

two novels and enough short stories for one collection by Jack Finney;

three novels, one series and enough short stories for one collection by Poul Anderson -

- comprise three culminations of time travel fiction.

In addition:

one novel by Harry Harrison;
one novel by Tim Powers;
one novel and two short stories by Robert Heinlein -

- perfect one aspect of time travel, i.e., the circular causality paradox.

Some readers appreciate how Poul Anderson writes fiction without being able to do it themselves. We can try - in order to demonstrate to ourselves how difficult it is. My few, brief approaches to fiction lack both depth and details:

Yossi, the Time Traveller
Time Travel Memoirs Fragments
The Very First Draft Of A Science Fiction Story

- and, after that, there are only Fragments

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

My view is that talent alone is not enough for writing successful fiction. A writer also has to have the gumption needed to work HARD at writing, including the small, dull, practical details of writing. Day after day, week after week, month after month, etc.
