Sunday 6 January 2019

The Dangerous Future

Sometimes the Internet combines an image with a quotation.

Whitehead said it. Some people, including Poul Anderson at the beginning of After Doomsday, Chapter Two, quote the first part of this sentence but place a full stop instead of a semicolon after "dangerous."

We understand that the future is dangerous. In fact, it "invades" the present. See here. We might expect science to equip us for the dangers of the future but instead Whitehead says that it equips the future to be dangerous. Why?

Both Anderson's "Delenda Est" and his After Doomsday quote Whitehead. Study of all the sources cited by Anderson would make for a very well informed sf fandom.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And it was because of Poul Anderson that I've read philosophers like Eric Voegelin, for example. I'm sure, if Anderson thought so well of him, that Whitehead would be well worth reading.
