Thursday 17 January 2019

The Technic History And After Doomsday

Many intelligent species.
FTL interstellar travel.

A finite volume of known space as against an unknown number of civilization clusters.
A human-dominated Terran Empire as against a very few human survivors.

I will shortly reread After Doomsday. Several Christmas and birthday present books have taken priority and are still being read.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I could quibble (or "kwibble"?) a bit and argue that the volume of space covered by Technic Civilization/Terran Empire and its neighbors, friends, and enemies would be analogous to the civilization clusters of AFTER DOOMSDAY. That is, the Terran Empire, Merseian Roidhunate, smaller independent realms like Betelgeuse, Gorrazan, the Domain of Ythri, etc., together comprise its own civilization cluster.

Sean said...

But the Technic History texts emphasize that only a very small part of one spiral arm has been explored whereas, in AFTER DOOMSDAY, the civilization clusters stretch outward to an unknown extent. Most beings confine their business to their local cluster but some explorers will have traversed many and no one has an overview.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm not disagreeing! I should perhaps have added that the Galaxy is so vast that the sphere of space covered by the "Technic Cluster" is widely separated from other "clusters." That seems reasonable if we grant both a FTL drive and the existence of many intelligent races at varying levels of technology.

Sean said...

If only we could see what is happening in another spiral arm during the Technic History.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I agree! I would have loved to have seen one or two stories by Anderson set during the Polesotechnic League of the Terran Empire giving us glimpses of what was going on in other arms of the galaxy.

We do have "Starfog," but that was set thousands of years after the fall of the Empire.
