The Boat Of A Million Years,
Tu Shan refers to:
"'Hsi Wang Mu, Mother of the West...'" (p. 45)
- and her peaches of immortality although it is clear that he himself does not take this mythological story seriously.
He, Tu Chan, is perfectly sensible and honest. He seeks the Tao and an explanation for his own unaging longevity. He has not yet learned to conceal that longevity although perhaps he is starting to realize that need by the end of this chapter. Having attracted Imperial attention, he decides to leave for parts unknown:
"'West into the mountains...'" (p. 45)
- like Lao Tzu before him. Moving west, he might meet others - Hanno is the only other immortal that we know, or at least suspect, so far.
As readers sensitized to the role of the wind in Poul Anderson's texts, we anticipate its arrival and are not disappointed. When the inspector and the subprefect walk down to meet Tu Shan:
"A wind had arisen. It boomed from the north, cooling the air, driving clouds before it whose shadows went like sickles across the land." (p.40)
Not a gentle wind. Booming is not a good sign, especially not when sending sickle-like shadows.
When Tu Shan has declined the invitation to become an Imperial adviser and the nobles as well as the audience of commoners have withdrawn:
"Tu Shan and his disciples stood alone by the well. The wind blustered through silence. Shadows came and went." (p. 45)
Again, this wind threatens, instead of confirming that all is well, which wind can also do. Indeed, Tu Shan says:
"' is well to be gone. This wind smells of trouble.'" (ibid.)
The brashest young disciple says that the master can tell and must often "'...have caught that scent in his many years.'" (ibid.)
Sure, but Tu Shan is assessing the whole situation, not just smelling the wind. He says:
"'The times are evil.'" (p. 46)
As often, the wind has the last word. Tu Shan continues:
"'We must seek a place apart, and the Tao.'
"They walked onward through the wind." (ibid.)
The reference to "disciples" does not mean that Tu Shan is misleading or exploiting anyone. Quite the contrary. Three young men have come to him and he has declined others. He repeatedly warns the three that he has no inspiration or secret. He is marked out only by his agelessness and he himself seeks to understand that. They can either listen or leave with his blessing.
The three Ways of China are conservative Confucianism, anarchic Taoism and imported Buddhism. I have read persuasive explanations that Zen is a Buddhist-Taoist synthesis.
A Taoist sage, asked how he would fare under Mao, replied, "Would it not be laughable if a lifelong follower of the Lord Lao were to fear change?" However, Taoists deal in cyclical seasonal changes, not in historical turning points incorporating violent social upheavals. But, in general, the sage was right not to fear change.