Saturday 5 October 2024

Trichotomy: Three That Are Not One

Twice in the Prologue to Mirkheim, the text refers to what has been ordained by:

"...God, or destiny, or chance."
-Poul Anderson, Mirkheim IN Anderson, Rise Of The Terran Empire (Riverdale, NY, March 2011), pp. 1, 30 -

- a comprehensive phrase. I cannot think of a fourth option.

The eldest of the seven Endless in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. 

Fortuna, the Roman deity preferred by Andrea whom I visit above the Old Pier Bookshop. She is not to be prayed to, entreated or thanked but favours the brave.



Sikh (Hindu-Muslim synthesis)

(This classification makes Sikhism look like the ultimate monotheism.)

Extra-Solar Monotheisms In The Technic History
"the God" of the Merseian Roidhunate
"God the Hunter" in the Ythrian New Faith
the Ivanhoan Consecrate religion

Martin Schuster subverts the Consecrate religion with the Kabbalah.
Djana envisages a Merseian Christ.
Wodenites convert to Terrestrial religions.
Christianity and Cosmenosis on Aeneas.

Regarding Djana: even a single image in a single mind is an aspect of the religious history of Technic civilization.

Hindu monotheists worship Vishnu, Shiva or the Goddess. Vedantist philosophy can be interpreted theistically or monistically. As a monist, I appreciate the myths of Vishnu's evolutionary incarnations.

As a twenty-first-centurian, I think that quantum mechanics, genetics and history are realms of Fortuna, not of Destiny.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

One problem, however, is that I read somewhere that the Sikh religion is being reabsorbed into Hinduism. If true that means it will no longer be actually monotheistic.

And I don't believe in the rightness of syncretism, morphing together all religions into some kind of vague mush. I believe only in the uncompromising monotheism taught by Judaism and Christianity. Because I believe God began revealing Himself to mankind thru Abraham, Moses, the Prophets, and culminating with the Incarnation of Christ.

Ad astra! Sean